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Winter Wonderland Collection Contents

Foil lined blue striped hearts

Striped shades of blue seed beads

Vintage East Asian Swirl Pendants

Vintage blue-grey faceted bugle beads - 30mm

Aquamarine seed beads strung with Wooden ball beads

Metal lined floral polymer clay beads

Assorted chunky glass shapes and colors

Faceted bluish Jade rondels

White and turquoise lava stars

Shades of winter lava balls

African sand-casted recycled glass cobalt blue large balls

Glass ice cube beads

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HeyBeads! HeyBeads!

Rainbow in the Clouds

This month’s title comes from a Maya Angelou quote asking us to be the Rainbow in the Clouds. Because we sense a deep need for healing for everyone on the planet, this collection will be almost entirely of semi-precious stones and gems with various healing properties. The picture was taken by Gwyn when she pulled over on the highway because she had never seen a rainbow at night!

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